Feminists Against Censorship

Fighting Censorship in the UK since 1989.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Belated Congratulations to Michael Peacock

Things have been pretty quiet over here at the Feminists Against Censorship blog, as lots of us have been busy on other projects and not reporting back here about our FAC work. However, we couldn't let the opportunity to mention this recent landmark obscenity trial pass by so here are some links to some of the best reporting on the story in case you missed it:

Nichi Hodgson (who also live tweeted during the trial) writing at The Guardian's Comment is Free about how Michael Peacock's acquittal is a victory for sexual freedom and at The New Statesman, arguing that obscenity law robs us of agency

Dr Brooke Magnanti at Sexonomics calling out the way some people talk about kink (scroll down past the picture of her with Michael)

Myles Jackman welcoming the verdict but pointing out that the Obscene Publications Act means that the state is still capable of acting as a voyeur in the bedroom

A detailed piece over at Freedom in a Puritan Age from queer theorist Chris Ashford, mentioning that those hoping this verdict will simply mean the sweeping away of the existing law may need to be careful what they wish for


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